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Chart Library

A library of insightful educational charts to help guide client conversations.

Chart Rebuild the 60/40 with Low-Correlating Solutions

Given the wide range of economic uncertainties, investors should consider a more diversified asset allocation than 60/40....

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Chart Stock and Bond Correlation: Negative and Positive Regimes

The correlation between stocks and bonds plays a critical role in portfolio construction....

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Chart Positive Correlations Between Stocks and Bonds During Various Inflationary Ranges

In the 2-4% inflation zone, stocks and bonds have historically moved in sync 67% of the time, posing a risk for the diversification goals of a 60/40 portfolio....

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Chart Can the Outperformance of the S&P 500 Continue?

Historically, the relative performance of various asset classes has shifted from year to year. ...

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Chart Correlation Regimes Have Fluctuated Over the Years, Leaving Portfolios Vulnerable

Positive stock-bond correlation can negate potential diversification benefits, catching investors off-guard....

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Chart Small Cap Underperformance Dropped to Historic Levels

The current environment, where small caps are at a 20-year low, presents an opportunity for the asset class to revert to the mean and align more closely with its historical average performance....

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